STS-107 Shuttle Columbia Crew

This is a great photo of the crew in space. Would you look at those smiles.
These 7 men and women got to live their dream.
This undeveloped photo was recovered from the wreckage.
It is one of the few images recovered from the orbiter.
The red and blue shirts indicate the shift that they worked while in orbit.
It is a really sad day each year since it coincides with my birthday.
STS 107 (Columbia) February 1, 2003
Rick Husband, Commander
Willie McCool, Pilot
Michael Anderson, Payload Commander
Kalpana Chawla, Mission Specialist
David Brown, Mission Specialist
Laurel Clark, Mission Specialist
Ilan Ramon, Payload Specialist (ISA)
The NASA Archive Page for STS-107 has stale information and broken links sadly.
The STS-107 WIKI Page has great details with links to crew biographies.

The photo below is of Columbia on the launch pad with Comet Hale-Bopp on the left.