Wildlife Photography

While out I typically have a camera with me. I use it for work and have always enjoyed taking pictures on vacations and spare time. There is a lot of great scenery, but every now and then you happen upon wildlife. When hiking I was "hunting" with a camera. You miss a bunch of it, but sometimes you will get lucky and find that blind hog so to speak. We have seen some cool wildlife over time and I am featuring pictures I have taken here.
Traveling to Yellowstone in Wyoming is a place for those seeking wildlife.
There is a bit of stumbling upon things, but you can just about bank on seeing buffalo. Traffic jams are common, but with some luck you can see some other things. You will most likely see the large buffalo herds around. I got lucky and saw some "little kiddies". |

This picture below is one of those that has more than meets the eye. You can see the lodge near Old Faithful. I am out in the guyser field waiting between Old Faithful eruptions. It is late, off season and a weekday and there are not a lot of people there. On the left, you can see two people looking at a buffalo grazing on grass. What those people don't see is a coyote that is pacing around between me and the lodge by the river. If you look closely, you can just see it right on my side of the river on the bottom right. If you click on the picture, it will open a larger size image so you can see it better. I was by myself and there were few people around me so I was a bit nervous. I took a closer up picture below near the river, then another as it started moving back to my right and back to the woods.

After I took the picture above I zoomed back in on the coyote. I got a few more shots, but it never got closer than maybe around 75 yards/meters or so away.
I kept up with it as it skirted to the right and went away from the lodge area. It ended up going into the woods and moving away. It really helps you keep your surroundings in mind. |

An elk relaxing in the woods along one of the roads.

Traveling through the great plains in Wyoming, I happened upon pronghorn in a field.
I turned around at the next exit to come back and they were still there.
There are more out of the camera view.

In Utah, we came across some mountain goats late in the day. Here they are near Arches.

These Bighorn Sheep below were on Pikes Peak in Colorado just below the peak.
The marmot and chipmunk were also high above the tree line. These are from 2003.
The one sheep below gets some scratching going on with a big rock. |
There is nothing like a good day in the woods. Ignore your cell phone and relax.