Other Pictures

Flame on!
I've always loved that picture. One cold night in New Jersey I was working on trucks with my torch. I wondered what a picture would look like when you could really see the flame. I set up a quick camera and gave it a shot with the self-timer. Crazy cool, right?
I will add more here over time. Under construction for now.
There will be hummingbird pictures. I am still working that out.

Here are some pictures my dad brought back from his time in WWII. Miss you Dad.
In the picture below, my dad is back row, third from the right.

A transfer from ship to ship, see the small chair.
My dad said the captain was going to get ice cream.

Iwo Jima from the USS Gillespie

No fun near the big ships.

There is nothing like a good day in the woods. Ignore your cell phone and relax.